27. november 2023 | Fossil energi, Industri
15:49 | Petroleum-based products are all impossible to make without first producing hundreds of millions of tonnes of gasoline, kerosene, and diesel. At least that’s what the fossil fuel industry would like you to believe.
20. november 2023 | Energisystemer, Industri
12:44 | How about a well insulated shipping container that can handle 1300 degrees Celsius and be delivered to small operators who need low grade heat, or to district heating systems to keep you toasty warm in the winter?
20. september 2023 | Industri, Klimakrisen
28:25 | Industry is responsible for almost half of the world’s CO2 emissions. And heavy industry represents the lion’s share of those. But heavy industry is under pressure to make the switch to renewables in record time.
3. oktober 2022 | Byggeri, Industri
12:48 | Concrete accounts for 8% of global CO2 emissions and it’s usage is set to skyrocket in the coming decades as the world’s population grows and moves towards more urban environments.
20. august 2022 | Industri, Vedvarende energi
18:01 | The world needs clean power, but decarbonization calls for a massive increase in the mining and extraction of minerals like lithium, graphite and cobalt.
13. december 2021 | Industri, Landbrug
11:31 | A Chinese research group has perfected a system to manufacture synthetic starch, potentially saving huge swathes of land and water use.
25. oktober 2021 | Industri
10:14 | As we continue to use ever more steel for new infrastructure around the world, the task of decarbonising the industry is growing ever more urgent.
16. oktober 2021 | Industri, Klima i hverdagen
7:33 | Some companies are trying to make a carbon difference by manufacturing products made out of pollution. But is it really helping?
4. september 2021 | Energilagring, Industri
9:16 | Billions of unassuming rocks on the seafloor could help humanity save itself from the ravages of climate change.
14. december 2020 | Industri
12:01 | Steel has become an essential material in our modern world. But the steel making industry is responsible for 7% of all global greenhouse gas emissions.