The greenhouse gas no one is talking about

The greenhouse gas no one is talking about

11:39 | You may know laughing gas from your visit to the dentist. But did you know that it’s actually a climate killer – 300 times as potent as CO₂? Why is no one talking about it? And how can we to stop it?

Global Warming: The Decade We Lost Earth

Global Warming: The Decade We Lost Earth

45:20 | The story of how one man cost us a world with less than 2°C of warming in 1989. This is a follow-up video to Global Warming: An Inconvenient History, going into much more detail of events from 1979 to 1989.

Are climate targets now pointless?

Are climate targets now pointless?

12:48 | More and more mainstream organisations now say our politicians have already failed, and that average global temperature increases higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels are now inevitable. So, who are we to believe?

Why the sun CANNOT be behind global warming

Why the sun CANNOT be behind global warming

8:09 | One part of the atmosphere has been cooling down for the past few decades and it provides a smoking gun evidence for what is behind the climate crisis. Let’s talk about where that is, and why that is.