Arctic Methane. Has 2020 triggered a tipping point?

Arctic Methane. Has 2020 triggered a tipping point?

12:12 | The summer of 2020 saw record breaking heatwaves across the Arctic region. Those warm temperatures also caused the thawing of permafrost and sediment on the seabed allowing the release of very high concentrations of methane. Have we now reached the tipping point?

Climate change in the Antarctic

Climate change in the Antarctic

28:25 | Few places on Earth are as remote as the German research facility Neumayer Station III. The scientists who work at this outpost in Antarctica are studying the effects of climate change — under extreme conditions.

Melting ice – the future of the Arctic

Melting ice – the future of the Arctic

42:25 | Climate change in the Arctic is fueling not only fear, but also hope. Sea levels will rise and flood many regions. But the melting ice will also expose new land with reserves of oil, gas and minerals.

Greenland Ice Sheet : Is it stable?

Greenland Ice Sheet : Is it stable?

12:05 | The Greenland Ice Sheet has been on a rapid downward spiral for at least a couple of decades, but in 2018 it seemed to begin recovering. This week we look at what happened and whether or not this is good news for the future.

Arctic Ice Loss – why we should care

Arctic Ice Loss – why we should care

13:55 | The earth’s ecosystems are constantly and relentlessly shifting as a result of the carbon that the human species spews out every year. One of the most influential and potentially catastrophic of these systems is the sea ice covering the Arctic Ocean.