Expedition to the cold heart of Greenland – What happens in a world without ice?

af | 13. januar 2024 | Arktis/Antarktis, Havet stiger, Konsekvenser

​”Into the Ice” is a documentary about science, nature and a spirit of adventure. It’s about scientists who’ve dedicated their lives to exploring the secrets of our future that lie concealed within the ice.

The documentary accompanies three of the world’s leading glaciologists on their pioneering expeditions to Greenland’s ice sheet: the serene, legendary Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, the sensitive, politically engaged Jason Box and the daring, fearless Alun Hubbard. They share the idea that climate research can’t rely on satellite data and computer models alone. If they want to arrive at conclusive results, scientists also need to be right where the changes are taking place. All three are focused on the collection of new, decisive data that could help us answer some of the crucial questions of our era: How fast is the ice melting? How quickly are sea levels rising?

Director Lars Ostenfeld is an experienced nature documentary filmmaker. In “Into the Ice”, he follows leading scientists to one of the wildest and most extreme landscapes in the world, to find out more about the ice sheet’s unpredictable processes.

DW Documentary