9. januar 2023 | Forskning, Klimakrisen
12:51 | There are still more than 1200 different future pathways outlined in the latest IPPC report. Now a team of journalists and scientists has assessed those pathways to find out if any of them is genuinely achievable.
21. december 2022 | Klimakrisen
13:47 | Tune into this episode of Weathered to see where we’ve been in our race against the clock, where we’re going, and how the RCP scenarios can help us understand this story as well as our future on this planet.
14. november 2022 | Forskning
11:27 | A new research paper has found some very strange temperature differences in the Eastern Pacific Ocean between climate models and observed ‘real world’ measurements. So, what’s going on?
1. oktober 2020 | Forskning
16:41 | This video is about satellite measurements of the Earth’s climate, the climate models used by scientists, and why they both don’t line up with reality.
30. maj 2020 | Forskning
7:19 | Climate activists talk a lot about following “the science” around climate change. What actually is the science and how is it calculated?
24. marts 2020 | Forskning
2:18 | NASA’s new 3-dimensional portrait of methane shows the world’s second largest contributor to greenhouse warming as it travels through the atmosphere.
11. december 2019 | Forskning
9:34 | Dr. Neil Swart of the Canadian Center for Climate Modelling & Analysis says a new model predicts nearly 8°C of heating by 2100 in a high emissions scenario.
30. marts 2019 | Forskning, Klimamyter
30:13 | Climate change deniers are wrong when they claim that the predictions made by climate models are unreliable.
15. november 2017 | Forskning
2:41 | IPCC report authors rigorously evaluate the latest results from climate models run on supercomputers.
16. august 2016 | Forskning
5:51 | Climate models have consistently made successful predictions. Here Dana Nuccitelli shows us some examples of successful climate model predictions.
1. september 2015 | Forskning
27:47 | Gavin Schmidt’s primary area of research is the development and evaluation of computer simulations of the Earth’s climate. He is particularly interested in how they can be used to inform decision-making.
19. maj 2015 | Forskning
4:43 | Dana Nuccitelli explains the principles that climate models are built on: fundamental physical laws. No one can know the future for certain, but these models allow us to make educated decisions looking forward.
19. maj 2015 | Forskning
6:23 | Keah Schuenemann explains the differences between weather models and climate models.
3. juni 2010 | Forskning
5:42 | The NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) is capable of running highly complex climate models.