Why the sun CANNOT be behind global warming

Why the sun CANNOT be behind global warming

8:09 | One part of the atmosphere has been cooling down for the past few decades and it provides a smoking gun evidence for what is behind the climate crisis. Let’s talk about where that is, and why that is.

Galactic Cosmic Rays. Climate Changers?

Galactic Cosmic Rays. Climate Changers?

13:52 | Some think Cosmic Rays affect our climate and that the Grand Solar Minimum we’re now entering might mean this effect will increase. This week we take a look at the science involved.

Grand Solar Minimum is coming. And..?

Grand Solar Minimum is coming. And..?

16:26 | Our sun is reaching the end of it’s normal 11 year cycle and is now approaching a period of minimum solar activity. Some say it’s the real cause of climate change and that it’s going to wreak havoc with our weather systems.