Can trees stop climate change?
25:55 | Reforestation works not only in the countryside, but also in the city.
25:55 | Reforestation works not only in the countryside, but also in the city.
41:13 | Kan løsningen af både klimakrisen og biodiversitetskrisen gå hånd i hånd? Eller er vi nødt til at prioritere den ene krise højere end den anden? Afslutningsdebat fra Klimatelt 2020.
50:39 | Will trees save our planet? Trees and forests make the earth and climate livable and stimulate biodiversity. How do we deal with our ancient trees, and what else can we do?
4:55 | Dana Nuccitelli examines whether species can adapt quickly enough to survive rapid climate change. Five mass extinctions in the Earth’s past indicate there are limits to how much species’ abilities.