Global Energy Market Disruption. This man has THE PLAN!!
16:24 | I visited Greg Jackson at his London HQ to have a chat about what he’s up to.
16:24 | I visited Greg Jackson at his London HQ to have a chat about what he’s up to.
42:25 | Critics of growth want to bring the economy into harmony with the environment and social well-being. They see a world that functions without constantly wanting more. But is that realistic?
11:31 | We can blame capitalism for worsening the climate crisis, says journalist Akshat Rathi, but we can also use it to create the solutions we need for the mess we’re in.
13:34 | Is capitalism the problem? And if that’s the case, what should we do instead? This is a guest video by Hazel Thayer.
11:54 | Your money is in grave danger if the world does not act urgently to mitigate the worst consequences of our rapidly warming climate. Now a new report sets the challenge out in painful detail.
11:38 | Burning carbon, for example in the form of coal, produces cheap energy – but also tons of emissions. Why don’t we just tax that?
51:55 | Getting rich by betting on a future catastrophe? Thanks to something known as “catastrophe bonds” or “cat bonds” for short, this is now possible.
10:22 | Political economist Zainab Usman thinks present-day power struggles may seriously hinder the world’s ability to fight climate change, with similarly disastrous results.
10:26 | Jonathan Foley presents a six-part framework to more efficiently address climate change, from better aligning capital with carbon to utilizing affordable solutions that are ready to go now.
13:36 | ‘Jevons Paradox’ says the more efficient and cheaper we make things, the more we use them. So are we in a no-win situation or is there actually a way out
14:38 | The International Energy Agency just released a new paper analysing how oil and gas will dwindle in the next three decades to a small fraction of their current size.
16:40 | Risk managers at the world’s largest financial institutions are beginning to factor ‘Planetary Boundary’ science into their spreadsheets.
I deres nye bog, Efter Festen, argumenterer forfatterne Bjarke Dahl Mogensen og Rune Detlif Baastrup for, at vi er nødt til at have et opgør med vækst, også kendt som “postvækst” eller “degrowth”, for at skabe en sand grøn økonomi. Men er det nødvendigt?
25:44 | In a blistering talk, Nobel Laureate Al Gore looks at the two main obstacles to climate solutions and gives his view of how we might actually solve the environmental crisis in time.
En ny bog tager et gammelt tema op: Er den grønne vækst en umulig drøm?
12:17 | What if we could solve the climate and housing crises at the same time?
6:30 | Since 2009, the price of solar energy has come down by 90 percent. That’s no accident. It’s the result of policy interventions from the US to Germany to China.
Hvordan får vi arbejderklassen med i klimakampen? Er vækst en del af løsningen på klimakrisen eller en del af problemet? Og hvordan fratager vi den fossile klasse deres magt over økonomien?
12:37 | The people and industries of the world’s richest countries have done the most to heat the planet. Meanwhile, the poorest can’t afford to pay for the consequences of other people’s pollution.
36:25 | Through TED Talks and conversations featuring scientists, CEOs, activists, politicians, artists, frontline community leaders, investors and more, this film offers a 360-degree view of carbon credits.
7:35 | This is the incredible story of how a nationalised oil and gas company, from the tiny nation of Denmark, became a renewable electricity powerhouse in just seven years.
10:25 | Yuval Noah Harari makes the case that preventing ecological cataclysm will not require the major global disruptions many fear and explains that we already have the resources we need — it’s just a matter of shifting our priorities.
4:48 | Bitcoin requires vast amounts of electricity to facilitate its transactions around the globe.
5:55 | At a time of climate pledges and promises, globally our governments still spend three times more public money on subsidising fossil fuels than renewable energy. Why is this?
10:25 | Al Gore explains how the financial interests of fossil fuel companies have blocked the policymaking process in key countries — and calls for a global epiphany to take on the climate crisis.
11:30 | Climate tech investor Gabriel Kra offers five big reasons to be optimistic about climate — starting with the fact that many of the world’s best minds are focused and working on building a clean future for all.
50:07 | America Ferrera journeys to Illinois to shed light on the US’ controversial dependence on coal plants. Sigourney Weaver explores China’s explosive economic growth and the impact it is having on the environment on a global scale.
50:08 | Nikki Reed explores what some believe to be the ultimate solution: putting a price on carbon pollution. Aasif Mandvi travels to Kenya’s wildlife preserves to understand just how much of a threat climate change poses to endangered species.
55:10 | In episode seven, three stories provide insight into the economic costs and opportunities of global warming.
9:57 | The financial sector often talks of decarbonizing investment portfolios as a way to fight climate change. But portfolios can be “cleaned” without having any real impact on the problem.
13:50 | Fossil fuels are inextricably linked to our everyday lives and it’ll be impossible to phase them out in the next three decades. At least that’s what the fossil fuel industry would have you believe.
10:22 | The Banking on Climate Chaos report has revealed the banking sector’s atrocious financing of the fossil fuel industry.
6:06 | Do cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin amount to climate arson or a clean-energy boon? Well, it’s complicated.
11:37 | Would you pay two percent more for the carbon-neutral version of the products you buy and use every day?
48:25 | Bill Gates identifies the breakthroughs and investments we need to reduce the cost of clean tech, decarbonize the economy and create a pathway to a clean and prosperous future for all.
23:56 | In this video we compare energy production by the Levelized Cost of Energy, or LCOE – the formula that will determine our energy future.
25:54 | A new generation of investors wants to force businesses to become environmentally-friendly. Even climate conservationists know that money talks, but can green investments really save the world?
6:58 | Climate Economics, episode 7. Curious to what feminist economics brings? And how this can help with the problems occurring from climate change? Watch this video and find out!
Climate Economics, episode 6. Neoclassical Economics imposed itself over the past decades as the core of mainstream economics, largely influencing academia and policy making.
Climate Economics, episode 5. In this video the role of institutions, and demand driven fiscal and monetary policies in the fight against the climate crisis is unfolded.
7:13 | Climate Economics, episode 4. What are the key insights from complexity economics that allow for a better understanding of the climate crisis?
1:15:43 | Prof. Steve Keen joins Nucleus Investment Insights to discuss his work on the disastrous economics of climate change, in which he contends numerous errors have been made in calculating the economic effects of climate change.
5:51 | Climate Economics, episode 3. Behavioural economists Pr. Chen Li and Pr. Joël van der Weele give you a glimpse of the answers Behavioural economics offers to tackle climate change.
Climate Economics, episode 2. Renowned ecological economists Julia Steinberger and Giorgos Kallis give an introduction to the research field of ecological economics.
5:10 | Climate Economics, episode 1. Can pluralism in economics be useful to tackle the fight against climate change?
27:02 | Environmentalist Tom Rand thinks that we need to harness markets to avert climate catastrophe. And further, he believes a radical change is needed in how markets operate.
11:37 | Global Green Recovery seems to be the buzz phrase exciting journalists and Social Media types in many parts of the world right now…
41:13 | Kan løsningen af både klimakrisen og biodiversitetskrisen gå hånd i hånd? Eller er vi nødt til at prioritere den ene krise højere end den anden? Afslutningsdebat fra Klimatelt 2020.