New York State Divestment Win!

New York State Divestment Win!

1:22 | People powered victory! New York State is the biggest pension fund — $226 billion — in the world and amongst the largest financial institutions to divest from the riskiest oil and gas companies and decarbonize by 2040.

Bør fagforeninger investere fossilfrit?

Bør fagforeninger investere fossilfrit?

37:55 | En stor gruppe danske fagforeninger har forstået vigtigheden af klimakrisen, og har derfor etableret ”Broen til fremtiden – en ny grøn alliance”. Men størstedelen af fagforeningerne mangler endnu at tage konkrete skridt til at sikre en investeringspolitik der er i overensstemmelse med Paris-aftalen.

Funding The Climate Breakdown : How can it be stopped?

Funding The Climate Breakdown : How can it be stopped?

11:17 | We all know the impact that fossil fuels, backed by huge government tax subsidies are having on the climate. What’s less well publicised are the mind boggling levels of investment that they have also been pouring into Oil, Coal and Gas.

Breaking the tragedy of the horizon

Breaking the tragedy of the horizon

28:43 | The first wave of environmentalism was framed around conservation and the second around regulation. We believe the third wave will be framed around investment.

– Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus, 2004.

Fossil Free

Fossil Free

48:29 | Om divestmentkampagner i Holland og Berlin. Den ene kampagne retter sig mod det store hollandske pensionsselskab ABP, med 2,8 millioner medlemmer, og den anden mod byen Berlin.

Do The Math

Do The Math

44:52 | Do The Math chronicles follows the climate crusader Bill McKibben as he works with a rising global movement in a David-vs-Goliath fight to change the terrifying math of the climate crisis.