40:49 | Disobedience tells the David vs Goliath tales of front line leaders around the world risking life and limb in the fight for a liveable climate.
40:49 | Disobedience tells the David vs Goliath tales of front line leaders around the world risking life and limb in the fight for a liveable climate.
52:27 | The film enlarges the issue beyond climate impacts and makes a compelling call for bold action that is strong enough to tip the balance to build a clean energy future.
59:11 | Hollywood celebrities and respected journalists span the globe to explore the issues of climate change and cover intimate stories of human triumph and tragedy.
44:52 | Do The Math chronicles follows the climate crusader Bill McKibben as he works with a rising global movement in a David-vs-Goliath fight to change the terrifying math of the climate crisis.
1:12:19 | En slags efterfølger til Al Gore’s megahitter ”An Inconvenient Truth” om det han ikke nævner et ord om – kødproduktion, som står for 18 % af verdens drivhusgasudslip, det er mere end hele verdens transportsektor!
57:17 | One Degree Matters follows social and business leaders as they travel to Greenland and experience for themselves the dramatic effects of the melting of the ice cap.
1:33:17 | We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth’s climate.