26. oktober 2020 | Klimamodstand, Klimamyter
34:00 | This video focuses on conspiracy theories, delving into the seven traits of conspiratorial thinking. I also delve into conspiracy theories about climate change and how they emerged from the dark corners of the Internet to briefly go mainstream during the “climategate” incident in 2009.
3. september 2020 | Forskning, Klimamodstand
22:13 | The scientific consensus on human-caused global warming has been a fierce topic for decades. To understand why, you need to know the history of consensus.
27. august 2020 | Klimamodstand, Klimamyter
27:29 | You can summarize climate change in just ten words: it’s real, it’s us, experts agree, it’s bad, there’s hope. Climate change misinformation is like a bizarro world version of this.
21. juni 2020 | Klimamodstand, Klimamyter, Psykologi
28:36 | Debunking myths about Climate Change is a crucial factor in closing the gap between public and scientific consensus. The good news is that the gap is narrowing quickly.
7. maj 2020 | Klimamyter
15:59 | A compilation of animated videos debunking the most common myths about climate change.
1. maj 2020 | Klimamyter
2:08 | Debunking of the “global warming has stopped over the last few decades” myth.
25. april 2020 | Klimamyter
1:44 | A debunking of the “climate’s changed naturally before so current climate change must be natural” myth.
22. april 2020 | Klimamyter
2:04 | A debunking of the “CO2 is a trace gas so can’t warm the Earth” myth.
17. april 2020 | Klimamyter
2:20 | A debunking of the “human CO2 emissions are tiny compared to natural CO2 emissions” myth.
16. april 2020 | Klimamyter
1:28 | A debunking of the “we’re heading into an ice age” myth.
15. april 2020 | Klimamyter
1:16 | A debunking of the “sea level rise is exaggerated” myth.
14. april 2020 | Klimamyter
1:22 | A debunking of the “cold weather proves global warming doesn’t exist” myth.
10. april 2020 | Klimamyter
2:02 | Debunking of the “global warming has stopped over the last few decades” myth.
9. april 2020 | Klimamodstand, Klimamyter
2:18 | An introduction to the five techniques of science denial: Fake experts, Logical fallacies, Impossible expectations, Cherry picking, and Conspiracy theories (FLICC).
20. maj 2019 | Kommunikation, Kreative indslag
6:43 | Dry graphs and science jargon don’t cut it with most audiences. Here are 4 scientists – each with a different approach to creative, fun, insightful climate communication.
7. februar 2018 | Klimamyter
3:12 | Video abstract for paper “Deconstructing climate misinformation to identify reasoning errors”.
19. juni 2017 | Forskning
5:47 | Researcher John Cook’s analysis showed overwhelming consensus among climate scientists. Here’s how the 97% ‘concensus’ meme came to be.
6. maj 2017 | Forskning, Klimamodstand
3:42 | John Cook is lead author of a 2013 paper confirming that the vast majority of climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming.
1. november 2016 | Klimamodstand, Kommunikation
24:54 | Video talk by John Cook.
8. august 2016 | Klimamyter, Kommunikation
3:23 | John Cook introduces the “Fact-Myth-Fallacy” structure for debunking misinformation.
2. juni 2015 | Klimamyter, Kommunikation
7:54 | John Cook explains the most effective way to debunk misinformation: fight sticky myths with even stickier facts and structure your debunking argument in three parts: fact, then myth, then fallacy.
2. juni 2015 | Klimamodstand, Psykologi
5:55 | John Cook outlines how to stop science denial: by exposing people to weak forms of science denial.
2. juni 2015 | Klimamodstand
5:59 | John Cook explains the vocal minority using research from The Six Americas report and from the article, “Your opinion on climate change might not be as common as you think,”
2. juni 2015 | Kommunikation, Psykologi
9:39 | John Cook explains the wordview backfire effect using examples from recent history and research. He also talks about ways in which we might combat this phenomenon when it comes to discussions of climate change.
28. april 2015 | Klimamodstand
5:52 | Dr. John Cook explains some of the most common methods used to manufacture public doubt about climate science.