Why is our upper atmosphere cooling?
12:38 | Research now shows that cooling in the upper layers could be jeopardising satellite orbits and opening up a new ozone hole above the arctic. So what’s going on?
12:38 | Research now shows that cooling in the upper layers could be jeopardising satellite orbits and opening up a new ozone hole above the arctic. So what’s going on?
13:04 | 35 years ago scientists discovered we were badly damaging the ozone layer, so a major global initiative was created to repair it. At the same time scientists also discovered that greenhouse gas emissions were causing dangerous levels of warming in our atmosphere…
9:50 | Thirty years after the world’s most successful environmental treaty was signed, atmospheric scientist Sean Davis examines the world we avoided when we banned chlorofluorocarbons.
5:03 | We don’t hear much about the hole in the ozone layer anymore. That’s because we’ve all but fixed it, thanks to consumer choices and a massive international agreement called the Montreal Protocol.
3:25 | Learn what CFCs are, how they have contributed to the ozone hole, and how the 1989 Montreal Protocol sought to put an end to ozone depletion.