What you can do about climate change!
8:16 | In the final episode of The Breakdown, we explore climate solutions, looking at the difference between individual and systemic change and ultimately why we must all join the climate movement!
8:16 | In the final episode of The Breakdown, we explore climate solutions, looking at the difference between individual and systemic change and ultimately why we must all join the climate movement!
9:15 | Episode four of The Breakdown looks at the intersection between racism and climate change, highlighting how climate change is first and foremost a social justice issue.
9:02 | We take a look back at all the COPs of the past, the crucial turning points of the Paris climate agreement, and the 2018 IPCC report in order to understand why COP 26 in Glasgow is so important in our attempts to limit temperature rise.
9:43 | Fossil fuel companies have been lying to us. They’ve known about climate change for decades, and have buried the science in an effort to continue business as usual.
6:56 | In The Breakdown: Episode 1, we kick off the series with a big picture look at the history of our planet.