The Explosion of Solar Power

The Explosion of Solar Power

6:47 | Solar power is one of the fastest growing energy sources during the last decade and the global production has gone up from 21 tWh in 2009 to 724 tWh in 2019.

How green is solar energy really?

How green is solar energy really?

9:02 | More and more solar panels are popping up all over the world – and it’s easy to see why: They provide clean energy at falling prices. But there are also some not-so-green sides to this technology.

Micro Hydropower : Turbulent Turbines

Micro Hydropower : Turbulent Turbines

14:02 | A new micro-hydropower technology is working with the natural flow of water and wildlife rather than against it, to bring much needed constant baseload power to off grid areas in remote areas of developing nations.

Biomass. Is it killing our forests?

Biomass. Is it killing our forests?

11:11 | Biomass is held up by governments around the world as a net-zero carbon alternative to fossil fuels. Just like most aspects of climate change mitigation though, the reality is far more complicated than that.