How China is winning the GREEN ENERGY race

How China is winning the GREEN ENERGY race

18:59 | China’s version of the industrial revolution has lifted hundreds of millions out of abject poverty, but it is still held up by some as the greatest modern sin against humanity and our climate. So, how accurate is that allegation?

China’s MILLION VOLT Energy Superhighway

China’s MILLION VOLT Energy Superhighway

12:31 | Smart grids delivering renewable energy across continents will require extremely long electricity transmission distances. China is tackling the issue by switching from AC to DC power and ramping up the output to 1.1 million volts.

Energy Sector and Climate Reforms in China

Energy Sector and Climate Reforms in China

1:39:15 | Two major political goals are animating change in China’s energy sector: the goal of peaking carbon dioxide emissions on or before 2030 as part of China’s international climate commitment and the drive for energy market and pricing reform.