How can ships become cleaner?
25:56 | Soot, particle pollution and heavy fuel oil: freighters and cruise liners are real climate killers. The film shows how both innovations and tried-and-tested ideas can make shipping cleaner.
25:56 | Soot, particle pollution and heavy fuel oil: freighters and cruise liners are real climate killers. The film shows how both innovations and tried-and-tested ideas can make shipping cleaner.
11:34 | A team at the US NREL claims to have used plant-based biomass to create turbine blades that can be completely broke down at the end of their operational lifetime and refabricated into new products.
16:08 | Forget everything you thought you knew about wind farms. We’re about to dive deep into the world of floating offshore wind, where turbines dance on the waves and clean energy knows no bounds.
25:40 | Are wind farms really killing whales?
12:00 | We started debunking some of the biggest myths about wind and solar energy – and ended up in a world of shady lobby groups and secret money streams.
9:59 | High up in the sky we find gigantic resources of energy which are untapped so far. How can we harvest these hidden and never-ending resources?
10:57 | Denmark’s climate minister Dan Jørgensen lays out his plan to end the country’s oil industry by 2050 and transition to a fossil-free future powered by wind energy.
12:16 | Solar, wind and wave power from a single offshore platform?
14:50 | One UK company have just announced a £16 billion project that will be generating 3.6GW of solar, wind and battery capacity in South Morocco.
10:35 | Wooden windmills are surely a relic from our pre industrial history aren’t they? Well, that was certainly true until recently.
14:16 | With wind almost always blowing on sea, there is no lack of power. But the technology is struggling with a bunch of other hurdles.
The global freight shipping industry accounts for nearly 3% of all GHG emissions, so freight operators are on a quest to reach net zero by 2050. Here’s three of the most promising wind power options that could help them get there.
12:58 | Offshore wind turbines powered almost 40% of all the UK’s homes in 2020. IEA says there’s enough potential energy out there to power all of Europe, the US and Japan several times over.
12:08 | Most air flows just goes to waste. What if we could scoop that air up and do something useful with it?
4:02 | How the global Wind Energy production increased by 500 % in 10 years.
28:25 | Germany needs wind power if it is going to meet its climate goals, and successfully transition from nuclear and coal power to renewable energy. But the construction of wind turbines has been stalling.
33:08 | Dr. Andrew Myers explains why and how offshore wind farms will be a major source of renewable energy.
3:33 | DTU Wind Energy is the world’s largest public research institute for wind energy.
11:41 | Solar Power grabs all the headlines but wind power is gaining traction as new technologies and materials allow machines of truly gargantuan proportions to be built out in our oceans.
52:06 | Conversion to wind and solar power could generate 100 percent of the United States average total energy demand for the foreseeable future.
6:35 | Filmen giver en kort introduktion til, hvad vindenergi er, hvordan vindmøller produceres, hvor de kan placeres, og hvor stor en del af vores elforsyning, vindenergien kan dække.
4:20 | Ever bigger rotors, ever more powerful wind turbines, ever farther off the coast.
9:03 | Samsø, Denmark and West Texas both solved the YIMBY “Yes, In my BackYard” challenge.
11:06 | 1,000 wind turbines. A 725-mile renewable energy transmission line. Learn more about the west’s largest renewable energy solutions under development.
2:23 | I Logik & Co. har vi en vision om, at vi skal bruge vinden til at producere miljøvenlig strøm lokalt.