Fighting for the climate

Fighting for the climate

24:21 | In this short documentary we see three young people who turn their climate concerns into action. How far will they go and how lonely is their struggle?

Den Nøgne Sandhed

Den Nøgne Sandhed

3:58 | I marts forstyrrede en række rebeller folketingets spørgetime ved at stille sig op nøgne ved tilskuerrækken og råbe landets politikere op om klimakatastrofens “nøgne sandheder”.

Tæt på Extinction Rebellion Danmark

Tæt på Extinction Rebellion Danmark

13:59 | Extinction Rebellion blokerer trafikken på Kongens Nytorv i København, og politiet må bære dem væk. I denne video kommer vi tæt på Extinction Rebellions forberedelser til deres årlige oprørsuge i september.

The Language of Protest

The Language of Protest

14:20 | ‘Focusing on the work of Extinction Rebellion, and with contributions from journalists, activists and academics, the film is an insightful look at political communication in the era of the protest.’

Udråb: Vi har pligt til at udøve civil ulydighed, når magthaverne ikke passer på os!

Oprør for livet 4:4 – Oprør 2.0

Corona har ændret hele den aktivistiske virkelighed. Nynne går i gang med at planlægge et nyt slags oprør, for Extinction Rebellion vil ikke lukke byen ned alligevel, nu hvor Mette Frederiksen er kommet dem i forkøbet.

Udråb: Vi har pligt til at udøve civil ulydighed, når magthaverne ikke passer på os!

Oprør for livet 1:4 – D.I.Y. oprør

Karla følger nysgerrigt med da veninden Nynne starter oprørsgruppen “uprising now” hjemme i Nynnes lejlighed. Men oprørsgruppen bliver ikke som Nynne har drømt om, det er ikke nok at plante træer og snakke, hun vil noget mere radikalt.

Inside Extinction Rebellion

Inside Extinction Rebellion

44:30 | In 2019, Keo Films began following Extinction Rebellion in the run up to last year’s October Rebellion, with intimate access to our headquarters (and thoughts) both before, during and after the two-week London protests.

Climate scientist explains Extinction Rebellion

Climate scientist explains Extinction Rebellion

8:13 | Extinction Rebellion have been causing disruption in the name of preventing catastrophic climate change. But what are the organisation’s aims? And how do they compare to our understanding of global warming?

Extinction Rebellion Occupy London : VIDEO DIARY 3 of 4

Extinction Rebellion Occupy London : VIDEO DIARY 3 of 4

15:37 | Extinction Rebellion were expected to have been removed from the streets of London well before Good Friday. But their peaceful protest completely wrong footed the authorities and they still held the same key areas on 19th April 2019.